Asghar Nasr Abadi — Sarv Niroo Tous



Asghar Nasr Abadi

Asghar Nasr-Abadi - Deputy Managing Director and Vice Chairman of the Board

B.Sc. of Electrical Engineering -Power from Institute of Technology- Mashhad

M.Sc. of executive management

§In charge of the installation of high-voltage substations in Khorasan Regional Electricity (64-62)
§ In charge of testing and commissioning high voltage substations in Khorasan Regional Electrical Co. (68-64)
§ Head of operation and maintenance of high voltage substations in Khorasan Regional Electrical Co., south network (69-73)
§ Teacher in and Faculty of Engineering in Birjandand scientific and industrial applications ofwater and electricity Faculty(4 years)
§Director of substations and electrical part in repair and installation of Khorasan power Co. (Natan) (73-78)
§ project executor of  high-voltage substations in Khorasan Regional Electrical Company (4 years)

§Director of Maintenance  of substations in Maham-Shargh Co. (1 year)(Khorasan Regional Electrical Company)
§Project and implementationmanagerof projects in Maham-Shargh Co. (2 years) (Khorasan Regional Electrical Company)
§Planning and surveillancevice president in Maham-Shargh Co. (1 year) (Khorasan Regional Electrical Company)

§Planning vice president in Khorasan branch of civil engineering and power generation Co (6 months)

§Chairman of SarvNirooTous Co.