Mohammad Hadi Shahbeiky — Sarv Niroo Tous



Mohammad Hadi Shahbeiky

Mohammad HadiShahbeiky- Managing Director and Chairman of the Board

B.Sc. of Electrical Engineering-Communications from Isfahan University

M.Sc. of Electrical Engineering-Control from University of Tehran

§ 1369-1366: University of Abbaspour - Director of Telecom &Tele metric Department

§ 1369- 1367: Energy Research Centre (Matan) - Expert  of dispatching and telemetry

§ 1372-1369: Tous Power Plant - Head of Control and Instrumentation and member of the Board

§ 1380-1370: Part-time faculty members of Islamic Azad University of Sabzevar

§ 1378-1372: Repairs and installation of power (Natan) - CEO

§ 1381-1378: Khorasan Regional Electrical Company - Vice President of Research and Development

§ 1384-1381: SAFA Niko - Damascus, Syria - Company Branch Manager and Executive Chief      for 8 substations

§ 1385-1384: Khorasan Regional Electrical Company - Finance Project Manager

§ 1388- 1385: Iran Water and Power services and  equipment export company (Sanir)
Deputy Managing Director, Vice President for Planning and Project Control, Vice President of Marketing and Sales

§ 1388 so far: Director and Chairman of the Board of SarvNirooTous Company.

§ 1388 so far: International marketing Advisor of Industrial Gam Arak Company.

§ 1389 so far: CEO of Gam and Partners LLC in Oman